FAQ for 3D veiwer for Mac
How to spin 3D model?
Drag mouse left button in 3D view. This operation will not change the 3D model. It only affects how you view the 3D model.
How to zoom 3D model?
Drag or scroll mouse wheel in 3D view. This operation will not change the 3D model. It only affects how you view the 3D model.
How to pan 3D model?
Drag mouse right button in 3D view. This operation will not change the 3D model. It only affects how you view the 3D model.
How to use the app to get x,y,z location of a certain point in my 3D model?
Click "Get XYZ Location" menu button under "Measure" menu, after that, click at the point where you want to know the x,y,z location. You will see a pop-up dialog with the x,y,z information. The information is also output in the Console window. This is helpful if you want to keep the record or copy it. You can continue to click another point to get its location. If you are done with it, click "Cancel Current Operation" menu button under "Tools" menu to change the application back to normal mode.
How to use the app to get distance between two points in my 3D model?
Click "Measure Distance" menu button under "Measure" menu, after that, click at the the first point where you want to know the distance, then click the second point. You will see a pop-up dialog with the distance information. The information is also output in the Console window. This is helpful if you want to keep the record or copy it. You can continue to measure distance between other points after this. If you are done with it, click "Cancel Current Operation" menu button under "Tools" menu to change the application back to normal mode.
How to use the app to get accurate volume of 3D model?
Select a 3D part either through model tree, or click on the part in 3D view, then click "Volume" menu button under "Measure" menu. In order to calculate accurate volume, your model must be a closed shape with no holes or openings. If there are holes or other openings in your model, the volume calculation algorithm might not work well.
How to use the app to get area of 3D model?
Select a 3D part either through model tree, or click on the part in 3D view, then click "Area" menu button under "Measure" menu.
How to translate a 3D part?
Select a 3D part either through model tree, or click on the part in 3D view, then click "Translation" menu button under "Model" menu. After that, a value input dialog will pop up. Select the axis on which you want to translate the model, type in the offset value, then click Apply button. The part would be translated after that. You can hit Apply button multiple times if you want to repeat the operation. The unit of the input value is same as your model unit. If the model is in mm, the offset unit would be mm. If it is in inch, the offset value would be inch. This operation will actually change the 3D model.
How to rotate a 3D part?
Select a 3D part either through model tree, or click on the part in 3D view, then click "Rotation" menu button under "Model" menu. After that, a value input dialog will pop up. Select the axis around which you want to rotate the model, type in the rotation value in degree, then click Apply button. The part would be rotated after that. You can hit Apply button multiple times if you want to repeat the operation. The unit of the input value is degree. This operation will actually change the 3D model.
How to scale a 3D part?
Select a 3D part either through model tree, or click on the part in 3D view, then click "Scale Part" menu button under "Model", "Scale" menu. After that, a value input dialog will pop up. Select the axis on which you want to scale the model, type in the scale value, then click Apply button. The part would be scaled after that. You can hit Apply button multiple times if you want to repeat the operation. The unit of the input value is percentage. 120% means the new part is 20% bigger than the original part. 80% means the new part is 20% smaller than the original part. This operation will actually change the 3D model.
How to scale everything in 3D model?
Click "Scale All" menu button under "Model", "Scale" menu. After that, a value input dialog will pop up. Select the axis on which you want to scale the model, type in the scale value, then click Apply button. All 3D parts in the current document would be scaled after that. You can hit Apply button multiple times if you want to repeat the operation. The unit of the input value is percentage. 120% means the new part is 20% bigger than the original part. 80% means the new part is 20% smaller than the original part. This operation will actually change the 3D model.
Does the app support zip file?
Yes. You can use the app to unzip zip files. The app also allows you to load 3D model from zip file directly. It is especially helpful when you are using formats which require multiple files to work together. For instance, if you are using obj format, you can zip 3D model, texture images and color mtl file all together and use the app to open it directly. You don't have to unzip the file first. This makes model management much easier.
Does the app support Apple Magic Mouse?
Yes, it does. Please make sure enable Secondary Click in mouse setting. Go to System Preferences --> Mouse --> Enable Secondary Click
How to launch multiple instances of Afanche3D so you can view different models side by side?
Just type "open -n /Applications/Afanche3D.app" command in a Terminal window. You can open as many instances of Afanche3D as you want.
Is iPhone, iPad or Android version of this app available?
Yes, it is available. Please search afanche or ATView3D at Apple AppStore or Google Play store. Or contact us if you have any problem to find our mobile version 3D apps.
Is there a tutorial so that I can learn the more advanced features offered by Afanche3D?
Yes, please visit the following page: http://www.afanche.com/tutorials